«Anthivola» Exhibition in PergamonMuseum, Berlin (March, 15th – June 10th, 2007)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the"Anthivola" - working drawings exhibition of the Makris-Margaritiscollection in Pergamon Museum, Berlin. The exhibition lasted 3 months andattracted 92,000 visitors. The collection includes 24 drawings of northwestGreek icon-painters with a special pictorial interest, providing importantinformation on issues of post-Byzantine painting art and techniques of the 18thand 19th century.
Exhibiton Curator: Maria Nanou, Associate Professor in theHistory of Byzantine Art at the University of Thessaly, and archaeologist Dr.Andromachi Katselaki.
Exhibition: “TheSplendor of Heaven: Greek Icons from the Velimezis Collection” in PergamonMuseum, Berlin (March 15 th – April 29 th, 2007)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the exhibition "TheSplendor of Heaven”, featuring Post-Byzantineicons from the Aimilios Velimezis Collection”. This is one of the most interesting collections of Greek icons dating fromthe 15 th to 19 th centuries that belong to the BenakiMuseum. Scientific analysis of these icons has given rise to new insights intothe history of ecclesiastical painting after the Ottoman conquest ofConstantinopl

Similar to the above Exhibitions:
Anthivola Exhibition enitled “ApproachingHeaven, with Icons from the Velimezis Collection” at the ArtsCenter of the Biblioteca Alexandrina (November 27 th - December 20t h,2008)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the exhibition “ApproachingHeaven, with Icons from the Velimezis Collection” at the Arts Center of theBiblioteca Alexandrina in Egypt. The exhibition of the Velimezis-Margaritis collection took place underthe aegis of the President of the Hellenic Republic Dr. Karolos Papoulias, thefirst lady of Egypt Mrs. Suzan Mubarak and his Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope andPatriarch of Alexandria and all of Africa. Notably, this was the first time theVelimezis-Margaritis collection was presented in an Arab country, making it aunique opportunity for the promotion of Greek culture, sponsored by the“Alexander S. Onassis“ Public Benefit Foundation.
After traveling to eighteen countries, the exhibition in Alexandriaintroduced the visitor to post-byzantine ecclesiastical art, through a thematicand chronological presentation of icons, “Anthivola” – working drawings, andwith photographic reproductions of the Icons based on the original sketches.
‘Syanxis”: Greek art1450-2000 at Puskin Museum of fine Arts in Moscow (July 13 th –September 26 th, 2010)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the exhibition “Synaxis:Greek art 14 th – 20 th century. Icons on Wood and Paper”that was presented at the largest museum in Moscow, the State Puskin Museum ofFine Arts.
The exhibition included the corpus of post-Byzantine icons ofthe Velimezis collection and was enriched by approximately 90 pieces from theBenaki Museum, the Museum of Old Russian Art “Andrei Rublyov”, but also fromother private collections, such as the Margaritis Collection. "The Russianpeople that honored us with their presence, are very educated in terms ofOrthodox art," reported the curator Thalia Stefanidou to “Kathimerini”newspaper. "It is a great reward for those who worked on the Exhibition tosee that the Russians were thrilled with the fresh concept of thepresentation." The novelty of the Exhibition lied to its three separate sectionsthat were spectacularly organized. In the first room were gathered images of Saints,in the second scenes from the life of Mary and in the third room, images of JesusChrist as a teacher and an Almighty.
Anthivola Exhibition enitled “ApproachingHeaven, with Icons from the Velimezis Collection” at the ArtsCenter of the Biblioteca Alexandrina (November 27 th - December 20t h,2008)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the exhibition “ApproachingHeaven, with Icons from the Velimezis Collection” at the Arts Center of theBiblioteca Alexandrina in Egypt. The exhibition of the Velimezis-Margaritis collection took place underthe aegis of the President of the Hellenic Republic Dr. Karolos Papoulias, thefirst lady of Egypt Mrs. Suzan Mubarak and his Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope andPatriarch of Alexandria and all of Africa. Notably, this was the first time theVelimezis-Margaritis collection was presented in an Arab country, making it aunique opportunity for the promotion of Greek culture, sponsored by the“Alexander S. Onassis“ Public Benefit Foundation.
After traveling to eighteen countries, the exhibition in Alexandriaintroduced the visitor to post-byzantine ecclesiastical art, through a thematicand chronological presentation of icons, “Anthivola” – working drawings, andwith photographic reproductions of the Icons based on the original sketches.
‘Syanxis”: Greek art1450-2000 at Puskin Museum of fine Arts in Moscow (July 13 th –September 26 th, 2010)
Exhibition, scenographic and graphic design for the exhibition “Synaxis:Greek art 14 th – 20 th century. Icons on Wood and Paper”that was presented at the largest museum in Moscow, the State Puskin Museum ofFine Arts.
The exhibition included the corpus of post-Byzantine icons ofthe Velimezis collection and was enriched by approximately 90 pieces from theBenaki Museum, the Museum of Old Russian Art “Andrei Rublyov”, but also fromother private collections, such as the Margaritis Collection. "The Russianpeople that honored us with their presence, are very educated in terms ofOrthodox art," reported the curator Thalia Stefanidou to “Kathimerini”newspaper. "It is a great reward for those who worked on the Exhibition tosee that the Russians were thrilled with the fresh concept of thepresentation." The novelty of the Exhibition lied to its three separate sectionsthat were spectacularly organized. In the first room were gathered images of Saints,in the second scenes from the life of Mary and in the third room, images of JesusChrist as a teacher and an Almighty.