what we do...

archiplus architects & associates has two main fields of design expertize:

a. architecture with focus to residential buildings and hospitality complexes

b. experience design / Multimedia Museums / themed and storytelling space creation

Residential Projects:

Pre-design services. Such as advice on site selection, site use studies to feasibility studies and reports.
Design, Documentation and Contract Administration Services. Schematic design, design development, contract documentation including calling and reporting on tenders and administering the contract. Post construction and special services. Record drawings, maintenance manuals and project management.

Hospitality Projects: 

Our services span to all phases of design, from the initial consultation to the post installation evaluation including: inventory, managing the bidding process, coordination of contractors and move management.
Our design team has comprehensive experience in working on large-scale projects. Our design team understands that personal attention along with clear and regular communication will assure the success of your project.

Experience Design: 

As Exhibition Designers, we are aware of many criteria including: communicating with the visitor, roles of the objects, conservation considerations, visitor flow, lighting design, color,story-lines, project planning and management, temporary or traveling exhibits,showcase-design, show-case arrangements, production scheduling, installation and maintenance.Our design has evolved so we can offer under this broad exhibition design title services which embrace all of these and more:Feasibility and concept development
Corporate design strategy
Visitor flow
Interpretation and script writing
3D design branding and marketing strategy.


While everything, technically, is an experience of some sort, there is something important and special to many experiences that make them worth discussing. In particular, the elements that contribute to superior experiences are knowable and reproducible, which makes them designable.

These elements aren’t always obvious and,surely, they aren’t always fool-proof. So it’s important to realize that great experiences can be deliberate and are based upon principles that have been proven.The design of experiences isn’t any newer than the recognition of experiences. As a discipline, though, Experience Design isstill somewhat in its infancy. Simultaneously, by having no history (since it is a discipline so newly defined), and the longest history (since it is the culmination of many, ancient disciplines), experience design has become newly recognized and named. However, it is really the combination of many previous disciplines;but never before have these disciplines been so interrelated, nor have the possibilities for integrating them into whole solutions been so great.Experience Design as a discipline is also so new that its very definition is in flux. Many see it only as a field for digital media, while others view it in broad-brush terms that encompass traditional, established, and other such diverse disciplines as theater,graphic design, storytelling, exhibit design, theme-park design, online design,game design, interior design, architecture, and so forth. The list is long enough that the space it describes has not been formally defined.There are, at least, 6 dimensions to experiences: Time/Duration, Interactivity, Intensity, Breadth/Consistency,Sensorial and Cognitive Triggers, and Significance/Meaning. Together, thesecreate an enormous palette of possibilities for creating effective, meaningful,and successful experiences.The most important concept to grasp is that allexperiences are important and that we can learn from them whether they aretraditional, physical, offline experiences or whether they are digital, onlineor other technological experiences. In fact, we know a great deal aboutexperiences and their creation through these other established disciplines thancan-and-must-be used to develop new solutions. Most technological experiences–including digital and, especially, online experiences- have paled incomparison to real-world experiences and have been relatively unsuccessful as aresult. What these solutions require is for their developers to understand whatmakes a good experience first, and then to translate these principles, as wellas possible, into the desired media without the technology dictating the formof the experience.

LOOKING FOR A BETTER LIFE: The ultimate aim of all creative activity is to bring happiness to people’s lives.Experiences can happen in the past, present orfuture. Past experiences must offer good memories as a way of re-living in thepresent and desiring it for the future.Present experiences must connect to the mind inits whole, bringing focus to the action being performed and getting the mind toa flow state. Happiness comes from the experience itself and not from theresult of it. Future experiences must bring desire to the present, creating apresent that is better because of the latent potential of the futureexperience. Experiences can be based in real life or in fantasy, but reality and fantasy must empower one another in a way that the whole is better than the absolute sum of the separate experiences.

Experiences that foster should have the following qualities:
– Make people feel confident of them.
– Make people feel they can do something better. Empowers people to do something in abetter way.
– Improve people’s lives helping to solve existing pragmatic problems.
– Makepeople have an enjoyable and fun time during the experience, thus making lifeworth lived.
– Surprisespeople in a magic way, bringing delight to the eyes and making the mind wonder.
– Create anemotional connection between everyone involved, the experience itself and theone supporting the
experience (a brand or a person).
– Make the world a better place to live.
– Strengthen the relationships between people that live the same experiences.Experience must be immersive and sensorial. Themore it takes to human senses, the better it will be. They can exist inphysical or virtual states.
The success of an experience is measured by theamount of happiness it brings to life and the amount of people willing to livethe experience, not by its individual qualities.
All kinds of sciences, technologies and studiescan be tools for creating happiness and must be used accordingly.
Every effort made to get understanding of thehuman condition and psychology should be treasured, for it points to the rightdirection and brings enlightenment on how to use the many tools available tocreate a good experience.
Artists are not different than scientists. “Theartist is an exalted craftsman”, as stated by Walter Gropius in the BauhausManifesto. “By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend the will, art may unconsciously blossom from the labor of his hand, but a base in handicraft is essential to every artist. It is there that theoriginal source of creativity lies”.
The Experience Designer is therefore a new denomination for all of those that follow this movement and conjure art,science, technology and psychology to desire, conceive and create experiences that bring happiness to the life of many.
An experience designer must love and care about people and the world in which we all live. It’s his mission in the world to proudly spread love and happiness through his creations.
Experience Design is the “Creation and Delivery of Experiences that are Original, Unique, Memorable and Transformative, using Spaces, Objects, People and Channels as tools”.

Archiplus, architects try to bring together all those experts, such as:
Lighting Designers
A/V Specialists
Information architects
Interaction designers etc
in order to create unique informative and recreational environments, which can span from a small “digital corner”, to a thematic museum or even a theme park.
Εxperience design is a new way of thinking, designing, engaging, that uses media and architecture to produce immersive spaces. Αrchiplus, architects can bring together a complete suite of resources, across a wide range of design projects.